I received an unsolicited testimonial from Matt a Pigeon Flyer as follows: "To whom it may concern Just thought i would give you some feed back on your product. ...
I received an unsolicited testimonial from Matt a Pigeon Flyer as follows: "To whom it may concern Just thought i would give you some feed back on your product. ...
TESTIMONIAL - Tummyrite for Poultry - Tony Mills
Hello Everyone, Brian Bohl has just returned from a trip to Maitland where he met up with his long-time friend Tony Mills. Tony is a Show Poultry Breeder and specialises...
TESTIMONIAL - Tummyrite for Poultry - Tony Mills
Hello Everyone, Brian Bohl has just returned from a trip to Maitland where he met up with his long-time friend Tony Mills. Tony is a Show Poultry Breeder and specialises...
TESTIMONIAL - Stephen Mow - Victoria
I have just received this testimonial from Stephen Mow from Victoria. TESTIMONIAL The difference between my 2016 and 2017 breading season is a 125% increase in the number of off...
TESTIMONIAL - Stephen Mow - Victoria
I have just received this testimonial from Stephen Mow from Victoria. TESTIMONIAL The difference between my 2016 and 2017 breading season is a 125% increase in the number of off...
Brian Bohl's Canaries fed on Tummyrite
This is an unsolicited testimonial from Brian Bohl who has been using Tummyrite for Canaries since October 2015. In this video he showing how healthly the bird look and in...
Brian Bohl's Canaries fed on Tummyrite
This is an unsolicited testimonial from Brian Bohl who has been using Tummyrite for Canaries since October 2015. In this video he showing how healthly the bird look and in...
Brian Bohl in the bird room of Rod Waddington
This is an unsolicited testimonial recorded by Brian Bohl in the bird room of Rod Waddington and is a follow up to a previous post on Rod's experiences with feeding...
Brian Bohl in the bird room of Rod Waddington
This is an unsolicited testimonial recorded by Brian Bohl in the bird room of Rod Waddington and is a follow up to a previous post on Rod's experiences with feeding...
Testimonial from Bev Bohl
Just following on from my previous post, the following is an unsolicited video testimonial from Bev Bohl taken in her bird room by husband Brian. (Brian is more excited than...
Testimonial from Bev Bohl
Just following on from my previous post, the following is an unsolicited video testimonial from Bev Bohl taken in her bird room by husband Brian. (Brian is more excited than...